What to See & When

Here you can find information on;
  • Today's weather forecast for Guernsey
  • Monthly highlights with Sky Charts to help you visualise what celestial bodies are visible
  • Yearly information on the sun, moon, planets and meteors
  • A glossary of astronomical terms used in the various pages
Sky Charts generated by Sky Safari, Simulation Curriculum Corp.

Meteor Showers 2025

Shower NameDate of MaximumNormal LimitsPossible hourly rateDescription
Quadrantids04 Jan26 Dec-12 Jan120Bluish- or yellowish-white meteors with fine trains
Lyrids22 Apr16-25 Apr18Bright fast meteors, some with trains. Associated with Comet Thatcher
Eta Aquariids5 May19 Apr-28 May40Low in sky. Associated with Comet Halley
Alpha Capricornids30 Jul3 Jul-15 Aug5Yellow slow fireballs
Delta Aquariids30 Jul12 Jul-23 Aug25Steady stream of meteors over several days but a low rate per hour
Perseids12 Aug17 July-24 Aug150Many bright fast meteors with trains. Associated with Comet Swift-Tuttle (1737, 1862, 1992)
Draconids8 Oct6-10 Oct10Associated with Comet 21/P Giacobini-Zimmer
Orionids22 Oct2 Oct-7 Nov15Fast with fine trains. Associated with Comet Halley
Taurids12 Nov20 Oct-10 Dec5Very slow meteors
Leonids17 Nov6-30 Nov15Fast bright meteors with fine trains. Associated with Comet Tempel-Tuttle
Geminids14 Dec4-20 Dec120Plenty of bright meteors, few trains
Ursids22 Dec17-26 Dec10Sparse shower. Associated with comet 8P/Tuttle